Event About
Tired of hosting a party and can't find time to have fun? Do you find you spend hours (or days) in the kitchen instead of spending time with your friends and family as you please? Do you have an upcoming family celebration or special event and want to be truly memorable? Don't search anymore...
Our private chef service is the answer to your needs. Our private chef service was established to meet the need of those who wish to offer their guests something truly special to host an elegant gourmet dinner party for their friends, family or business partners in the comfort and convenience of their home or venue of choice.
You can choose to tailor your dining experience to your liking with a wide variety of delicious Mediterranean dishes from our Starters, Main Courses and Desserts.
Alternatively why not try something a little different? Our popular themed dinners will captivate your guests and encourage them to try new and exciting dishes.
As with every G&T Holiday villa rental, you can continuously benefit from our concierge service. Our experienced concierge team is at your service from the moment you make a reservation to help you and your travel companions organize a suitable trip. They can have a wine or olive oil tasting in your villa kitchen or find you a table at the best local restaurant. In addition, we have special ground personnel and a 24-hour emergency number in Kalkan.
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